No one loved Kingswood more devotedly than he

During World War I, Kingswood enlisted a group of present boys as cadet officers to fight on behalf of the Crown, the son of a family that was close to Kingswood — Brian Leslie De Vos 
Kingswood For Ever The Story of Kingswood Kandy - Chapter Kingswood and The World War - Page 98 
Brian Leslie de Vos Kingswood
"The thirteenth and last for mention is Brian Leslie de Vos who was wounded in action on the 28th March 1918 and died on the following day of his wounds. No one loved Kingswood more devotedly than he. He was entirely our own; he exulted in being ours and entirely ours. Every letter of his from the Front, to whomever written, had some endearing reference to the school. He was wounded once in France, and wrote afterwards : "I now have in my possession a copy of the Kingswood Song, stained with blood. It was on my person when I was wounded. It is the souvenir I value most. Can you get me the music of the Kingswood Song? Oh! for a Kingswood day again!" He left Kandy on the 18th October 1915. We saw him off with "all the honours" at the Railway Station. "K.F.E., Leslie," said a teacher to him as the train started. "Always K.F.E., Sir," was his reply."


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